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The First Hemp-Infused Coffee Arrives to Minnesota

Cannabis Buds

Kindly Coffee is the first hemp-based coffee in Minnesota. Its founder, Dan Linstroth, took years to develop this special blend. It took finding the right blend of earthy flavored oils to satisfy is distinguished palate enough to complete the recipe.

Each cup delivers 10 mg of pure hemp extract, Minneinno reported. Kindly Coffee was initially founded 4 years ago. It was just a marketing and sales brand then. After a trip to South America, he finally found the right local roaster to help him put his plan in motion.

Linstroth said, “I get the mental elevation of caffeine but also the subtle stability of hemp extract.”

Kindly Coffee has shifted to solely hemp-infused cold brew coffees. Each bottle is 10-ounces. Several events in the area have featured the hemp-infused coffee.

The brand expects to be available in grocery stores soon. The coffee is expected to sell for $6-$7 per bottle. New flavors will also be available in a couple of months – including vanilla and orange.

Linstroth said, “It’s fun to be in the early section of it and be part of the evolution and hopefully help steer and guide the industry as it evolves.”