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Al Franken Finally Decides to Support Liberalizing Minnesota Marijuana Laws


Senator Al Franken admits to smoking marijuana while he worked at Saturday Night Live. He also admitted to using cocaine and drinking his first year of college.

Regardless of his previous relationship with marijuana, he was standoffish when it came to taking on marijuana prohibition, according to City Pages. He wasn’t vilifying drug users, but his reluctance showed. Recently, however, he introduced a bill that would allow states to determine their own medical marijuana laws without federal interference.

Franken said, “Senators certainly do a lot less drugs than we did at SNL. The truth is that many on the show thought that you can’t do a ninety-minute live comedy show week after week without doing cocaine.”

Franken also signed sponsorship of another bill that would allow legally operating marijuana businesses to use banks. He’s been a pretty busy man as he’s co-sponsored a third bill as well, allowing tax credits and deductions for growers and sellers of legal marijuana (just like any other type of business would).

Some speculate that his shift in opinion is because he may put his hat in the ring for President. Regardless of his reason for the shift in opinion and support, he’s jumped in headfirst and has dove into the work to get these bills passed.