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Home / Minnesota Marijuana News / Pro-Marijuana Minnesotan Is Running for Minneapolis City Council, Ward 3

Pro-Marijuana Minnesotan Is Running for Minneapolis City Council, Ward 3

Ward 3

Minnesotan Justin Adams is pro-marijuana, and is also running for Minneapolis City Council in Ward 3.

Adams is seeking his DFL endorsement to “fight, united with progressives, in a revolution for real social justice, real economic justice, and real democracy.”

Adams wants marijuana to be legalized on federal, state and local levels. Here are some quotes about marijuana from Adams’ campaign website:

The war on drugs has always been a war on poor people and people of color. The prohibition of marijuana is one of the worst public policies of the last half century.

The policy is based on fear and prejudice, not on evidence. It has not been effective at reducing drug use or abuse. It has created profitable black markets for organized crime. The prohibition of drugs thus significantly contributes to violent crime.

Criminal prosecution as a response to drug abuse has lead to mass incarceration of people of color and other minorities, shattering families and communities. The human costs of prohibition are horrifying.

Minnesota lawmakers have submitted two separate proposals to legalize recreational marijuana in Minnesota. Neither of them are very likely to pass this year. One is a proposed law, but Governor Dayton opposes marijuana legalization and even if it reached his desk, it would face a veto. The other is a proposed constitutional amendment to be considered by voters. That proposal doesn’t require the governor’s signature, but will need to build a lot of support to pass both houses. If you support recreational marijuana legalization at the state level, you should contact your state representatives and senators.

If I’m elected to city council, one of my top priorities would be to amend the city charter so that residents can pass city ordinances by ballot initiative. I think that if Minneapolis residents had this power, they would quickly organize and put this question to voters.

Visit Justin Adams’ website.
