Two new political parties in Minnesota support marijuana legalization – and both from different perspectives. The Grassroots Legalize Cannabis Party has already submitted its petitions to Governor Tim Walz. They’ve also delivered the petitions to leading legislators and Chief Justice Lorie Gildea.
In a nutshell, the Grassroots party is “demanding” that marijuana be legalized, Minnesota Public Radio News reported. They also want home cultivation without permits. Minnesota’s state constitution says permits aren’t needed to sell items from farms or gardens, and marijuana can be grown in a garden.
Grassroots party chairman Chris Wright said, “We want to run against those candidates who’ve proposed legalization, actually. We want them to vote no on any legislation that requires a license.”
The other new political party is the Legal Marijuana Now Party.
Marijuana advocate Oliver Steinberg said, “I don’t see a systematic and well-organized transition or maturing of the organizations. Both of these parties have been more of an idea than an organization.”
DFL House Minority Leader Ryan Winkler also plans to introduce legalization legislation. He has acknowledged cultivation and says he’ll consider cultivation but won’t be swayed by pressure of either new political party.
Winkler said, “I don’t think that we will be just doing what any one group or organization of individuals wants us to do. We will be looking at what’s best for the state.”
It’s going to be an interesting 2020 in Minnesota in terms of marijuana legalization.